The Revival of Buddhism in India: An Interview with Prof. Milena Bratoeva, Part Two
Lyudmila Klasanova
27 May 2019
Seeds of the Dharma
Benefits Endowed by Amitabha to Pure Land aspirants of the 18th and 19th Vows
Alan Kwan
21 May 2019
Amitabha’s assured deliverance
The Chan (Zen) Connection between China and Tibet: A Conversation with Sam van Schaik
Raymond Lam
11 May 2019
Shedding light on early Tibetan Buddhist history and practice
Arahants With Taints Destroyed
Prof. David Dale Holmes
6 May 2019
Unraveling the knotted network of false views
Echo from the Silence of the Awakened One: An Interview with Prof. Milena Bratoeva, Part One
Lyudmila Klasanova
24 April 2019
The past, present, and hopeful future of Buddhist…
Pure Land: An “Easy Path” of Practice?
Alan Kwan
23 April 2019
The crucial difference between the 18th and 19th Vows
A Bhikkhu Ardent and Discreet
Prof. David Dale Holmes
11 April 2019
Untangling the tangle
Practicing Gratitude When the Sh*t Hits the Fan: Plutarch and the Practice of Blending
Seth Shugar
3 April 2019
Counting our blessings when life goes off course
A Tribute to Benimadhab Barua: A Light to Bengali Buddhists
Dipen Barua
1 April 2019
Professor Benimadhab Barua (1888–1948), popularly known as B. M. Barua, was an indologist and educator who played a crucial role in the revival of Buddhism
Who Will I Be? Japanese Buddhist Conceptions of the Afterlife
Gereon Kopf
30 March 2019
Concepts of self and no-self at the end of life
A Dialogue about Lineage in the Pure Land School
Alan Kwan
25 March 2019
A conversation between two Pure Land practitioners