What Motivated Bodhisattva Dharmakara to Make the 48 Great Vows?
The story of Amitabha’s final mortal life
The story of Amitabha’s final mortal life
The brain’s role in creating our dualistic world and experience
The art of shaping our inner landscape
A new stage in the resurgence of Mongolian’s spiritual and intellectual heritage
Walking the Middle Way of the Buddha
Reflections on environment, interconnection, and equanimity
A comprehensive look at the thought of Hongzhi Zhengjue
What is a legitimate guru mantra for recitation and practice?
A careful analysis of D. T. Suzuki’s presentation of Zen and his academic critics
An examination of the origins of, and solutions to, conflict and disharmony
Why the Buddha revealed infinite light to our world
Finding the right questions to the answers