The Buddha’s Servant: The Spiritual Side of Ajahn Buddhadasa’s Social Teachings
The story of Ajahn Buddhadasa, one of Thailand’s most most prominent modern thinkers in ecumenism, interfaith, and modernity
The story of Ajahn Buddhadasa, one of Thailand’s most most prominent modern thinkers in ecumenism, interfaith, and modernity
BDG joins a unique gathering of monastic and lay practitioners on a Dharmic journey of study, exchange, and experience
Ajahn Pranom works to raise awareness of plastic pollution and reduce plastic waste
Manzheeva’s incredible film sheds new light on the dramatic story of the Buddhist monk and scholar Geshe Wangyal
BDG speaks with Jonathan Watts on his new two-volume examination of the evolution of engaged Buddhism in Japan
A tribute to a monk who helped Buddhism in Bengali-speaking circles to reform and prosper in the late colonial and postcolonial periods
Envisioning paths forward for Buddhists in Canada and beyond to connect in meaningful ways
Hozan Alan Senauke offers a touching tribute to his close friend and spiritual mentor in engaged Buddhism, Sulak Sivaraksa
The life of celebrated lay teacher Dipa Ma, whose work and example became a new model for laywomen teaching meditation
The CEO of Hanson Robotics discusses the future of robotics and AI, and how it is transforming the way Buddhists define sentience
All phenomena come into being (Skt: samutpada; Tib: ’byung ba) through a dependent relationship with all other phenomena. This is how we explain the Buddhist
Generosity and compassion on the path: embodying the legacy of an ancient spiritual heritage