The Chakravartin
A Buddhist reflection on the passing of Queen Elizabeth II and the way we might relate to royals and great Buddhist leaders going forward
A Buddhist reflection on the passing of Queen Elizabeth II and the way we might relate to royals and great Buddhist leaders going forward
A new monograph on one of the key figures in the history of Tibetan Buddhism
Haema Sivanesan discussess the relationship between Buddhism and contemporary art, and its social context and implications in North America
From Canada to China, French-born artist Francoise Issaly explores spirituality and Buddhist ideas in her art
A conversation on the Buddhist view on biodiversity, respect for wildlife, and ecological conservation
On the life of an extraordinary Buddhist woman in Korea in the early years of the 20th century
Looking back on the life of a revered Theravada leader and teacher in Bangladesh
Introducing the only Shin temple in Switzerland and its priest
Remembering one of the West’s most influential voices of Theravada Buddhism
A conversation with filmmakers Carina and Sandra Roth on the practice of Shugendo in Japan
Quantum physics and the Vajrayana path: investigating our interconnected reality
A new school of Buddhism arose in Korea in the 20th century to connect with the modern world