Buddhism in the Hidden Valley, Part 4: Conservation and Community at Rachen Gompa
Heritage conservation and community participation at Rachen Gompa in Nepal’s Tsum Valley
Heritage conservation and community participation at Rachen Gompa in Nepal’s Tsum Valley
Integrating her decade of experiences in the West, Vienna Svabhava pursues the goal of a global cooling economy grounded in the first Buddhist precept to refrain from taking life
BDG columnist Tiffani Gyatso shares her reflections on emotional healing and rebirth
Ven. Pomnyun Sunim gives a Dharma teaching on living lightly with impermanence and change
Dagmo Kalden Dunkyi Sakya shares her life story and love for her family, as well as her work at Sakya hospital and other social causes
Ven. Pomnyun Sunim shares a Buddhist perspective on understanding happiness and truth during a recent Dharma talk.
Ven. Pomnyun Sunim highlights the path to liberation through self-realization in a recent Dharma talk
Sakyadhita and the fourfold sangha—the path to female monasticism
BDG joins a unique gathering of monastic and lay practitioners on a Dharmic journey of study, exchange, and experience
BDG speaks with Jonathan Watts on his new two-volume examination of the evolution of engaged Buddhism in Japan
Dunhuang Research Academy senior figure Song Shuxia discusses the Academy’s visitor management of the Mogao Caves and digitization efforts
Generosity and compassion on the path: embodying the legacy of an ancient spiritual heritage