Buddhism in Barcelona: The First Buddhist Film Festival in Catalonia
The first Buddhist film festival in Barcelona with special screenings of groundbreaking movies
The first Buddhist film festival in Barcelona with special screenings of groundbreaking movies
Threads of Awakening is Leslie Rinchen-Wongmo’s upcoming book on her unique Buddhist art and spiritual journey
A conversation with filmmakers Carina and Sandra Roth on the practice of Shugendo in Japan
Sharing a sacred Vajrayana text as a symbol of international dialogue and cross-cultural relations
Storytelling as a way of reframing our lives and transcending barriers
There is perhaps no concept more central to the Buddhist worldview, yet more misunderstood and misused in modern parlance, than rebirth. His Holiness the Dalai
Despite the dominance of Vajrayana in the Western Buddhist imagination, the national epic of Tibet, The Epic of Gesar of Ling, is not well known.
Cultivating a mind of compassionate wonder in our children and ourselves
Charles B. Jones has recently published a slate of vastly informative publications on the Pure Land tradition. In 2019, the associate professor of Religion and
An interview with Bulgarian Scholar Yavor Konstantinov on his translation of Patrul Rinpoche’s timeless work
This new book from a masterful storyteller and teacher is not only about mindfulness, but also about living fully
Dechen Shak-Dagsay is a Swiss-Tibetan musician and author. Over the past few decades, she has built a career in music by combining the Tibetan mantra