Buddhistdoor View: Unraveling the Global Spectacle of the Dalai Lama Controversy
As the dust seemingly settles on the recent uproar, we look at how some media and individuals and groups involved helped create clarity or confusion
As the dust seemingly settles on the recent uproar, we look at how some media and individuals and groups involved helped create clarity or confusion
Anam Thubten Rinpoche shares his thoughts on the evolution of the Buddhadharma in a changing world
The impact of rapidly developing AI technology poses big questions about the future of work and religious seeking
A reminder to slow down and experience the depth and beauty of great art in our increasingly fast-paced technological world
As the technology around us becomes faster, smarter, and more useful, it is increasingly important to maintain our own grounding in a practice of inner cultivation
A limitless commitment to pursue the accomplishment of an unattainable goal
Spiritual questions about our increasingly complex emotional relationship with AI chatbots and how they reflect our own minds
Navigating an increasingly impersonal and consumeristic society with the wisdom of Buddhist practice and educational foresight
In the wake of natural disasters, how do we move from shock or rationalizations to compassionate action?
Searching for a middle way in the Dharmic path for modern Westerners
Common themes of education, long-term benefit, and equality in Pope Francis’ and Buddhist leaders’ engagement with African countries
Tracing the unique history of Won Buddhism as it has moved to and grown in America