Applied Buddhism and Globalization
Globalization is the latest expression of a long-standing strategy of development based on economic growth and liberalization of trade and finance. Globalization leads to the
Globalization is the latest expression of a long-standing strategy of development based on economic growth and liberalization of trade and finance. Globalization leads to the
Last Friday, I joined an entourage from the charity Sunshine Action, which my Dharma sister’s brother manages. Our objective was to pass out packed dinners,
For anyone who has ever owned and loved a pet, losing an animal can be one of life’s most painful moments. My fondness wasn’t reserved
Myanmar is a country today sought by many, eager to witness change, forge new alliances, and urge on the seedlings of development. There are rays
In Buddhist Studies, a slogan commonly touted by scholars (not only for the sake of academic rigour but also to add some drama to their
Recently BDI co-hosted a dialogue about controversial contemporary issues with Ven. Thamthog Rinpoche (Vajray?na), Ven. Tianwen (Mah?y?na), and Ven. Dhammapala (Therav?da). You can read about
A friend once castigated me for supporting institutional religion. Hers was a critique based on an interpretation of European Enlightenment values and a secular suspicion
The following story is from Ven. Wuling’s children’s book, How Will I Behave Today and the Rest of My Life. It is a touching, gentle tale
The inspiration for creating this children’s book came from old Chinese texts (Di Zi Gui) and the teachings of Master Chin Kung, a monk of
Nina is a graduate of the Centre of Buddhist Studies at the University of Hong Kong. — Fast abrupt, I don’t know where am I
You may, or may not, have heard of the Tzu Chi organization? What you will come to discover in this well-written book about its history,
INTRODUCTION I would like to begin by stating a few of my assumptions regarding Buddhism and Buddhists before entering into a discussion of the topic.