Placing Hands in Meditation: Disrupting Familiar Patterns as a Doorway into Mindfulness
Examining the hands and the body as a grounding place for our mindful orientation to the world
Examining the hands and the body as a grounding place for our mindful orientation to the world
Our living metta columnist shares another journey in on-the-ground meditation practice in offering loving-kindness to those around her
Notes from Ven. Nyanaponika Maha Thera on the path to the end of suffering
A meditation on the nature of the brain and the path to mental well-being.
Death with a lower-case “d”: the wisdom of impermanence
Contemplating the space between Buddhist activism and community building
An exploration of tantric song and dance practices at Druk Amitabha Mountain Nunnery on the outskirts of Kathmandu
A US college student confronts impermanence, and explores compassionate responses to attachment and aversion
Practicing patience and perseverance with the hills and valleys of daily life
Exploring the deep and true meaning of the 20th vow in Amitabha Buddha’s schema of liberation and rebirth, according to Master Shandao
A meditation on the freedom possible in prison and the way our minds can imprison us even when we believe that we are free
Satya Robyn explores those moments of compassion and wisdom that can arise spontaneously in our relationships with others