Tashi Gomang Chöten, the Great Stupa of Auspiciousness in Portugal
A rare look inside one of Portugal’s thriving Buddhist communities
A rare look inside one of Portugal’s thriving Buddhist communities
Ven. Pomnyun Sunim gives a Dharma teaching on living in the present and mindfully tempering our expectations
Prof. David Holmes continues his examination of the seven steps to awakening in the Pali Canon
Ven. Pomnyun Sunim gives a Dharma teaching on the Buddhist practice of self-reliance
On impermanence and recognizing that our Buddhist practice is right in front of us, right now.
Through understanding the Heart Sutra’s teachings on form and emptiness, we can see the beautiful potential in all things
Our seasoned loving-kindness practitioner shares the joy of welcoming new life at a baby shower and the sadness of loss as a former connection disappears
BDG columnist Ratnadevi takes us blackberry picking as she contemplates the ecological and societal changes underway around and within us
Most people with even some tangential knowledge of Buddhism have heard about the concept of “nirvāṇa.” But what is its significance for the pilgrims after weeks of solitary hiking ready to rejoin the society?
Joseph Houseal concludes his series on Faeries, dakinis, nuns, and mikos with writing from elemental faery magician, Althea Northage-Orr.
BDG columnist Asa Hershoff on the fact that Buddhism offers a radical departure from the many ways we remain asleep in the world
A reminder of Buddhism’s close relationship with the natural world and our need to recognize this in our daily lives and practice