Tracing Artistic Developments from India to China: An Introduction to Zhou Mingqun’s Collection of Buddhist Art
A glimpse into the Buddhist art market through a collector’s…
A glimpse into the Buddhist art market through a collector’s…
Exploring the myth and lore of the majestic and mystic…
A precious moment of female-focused inspiration in the…
This three-part series examines tantric deities in the yab-yum posture of symbolic sexual congress.
Liaofan’s Four Lessons on how to create your own destiny
Many Buddhists spend at least part of their time practicing in a retreat setting, cultivating the qualities so needed to survive and thrive in today’s
Aspiration and vocation on the path of a healer
For hundreds of years, Paris has been a major center for finance, fashion, science, and the arts. The city is home to a multitude of historical
At 4am, before even the first peep of sunrise, the sound of temple bells ripples through the silence that hangs over Luang Prabang, rousing the
Starting on 14 October, the community of The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Centre for Buddhist Studies at the University of Toronto will sit
Giuseppe Tucci (1894–1984) was an Italian scholar-adventurer who supervised archeological digs in Iran, Persepolis, and the Himalayas.
The city of Kamakura in Japan’s Kanagawa Prefecture is home to one of the most poetic and paradoxical works of Buddhist sculpture. The statue is