A Buddhist perspective on karma, death, and impermanence
A Buddhist perspective on connection and interconnection
Using Buddhist principles to examine how COVID and technology could permanently alter how we work
Understanding the continuities of science and traditional Buddhist thought and practice
Following Buddhist ideals to build a beloved community to wisely confront the climate crisis
Shifting from worldly purpose to living the bodhisattva vows
Allowing practice to nourish us as we contemplate the climate crisis
Transcending our sense of separation to recognize our existence as pure manifestations of bliss
An interview with the makers of the video documentary Shugendo Now.
Vows addressed to the “human and celestial beings in that land” Amitabha Buddha was very systematic in making his vows. The first 11 vows address
Making the path of the Mahāmaṅgala Sutta clear for a contemporary audience
Secret texts of cultivated practices in movement traditions