The Chakravartin
A Buddhist reflection on the passing of Queen Elizabeth II and the way we might relate to royals and great Buddhist leaders going forward
A Buddhist reflection on the passing of Queen Elizabeth II and the way we might relate to royals and great Buddhist leaders going forward
How writing a new book on being gentle can actually make life more difficult
Practices for peace, healing, and harmony in an imperfect world
Cultivating right view toward the samsaric suffering of impermanence and uncertainty
A Dharma teaching on fear and equanimity in the face of impermanence
Bringing loving-kindness practice to the busy marketplace to help ease the stresses of the day
Learning about death and impermanence from our animal companions
Learning to see the Dharma in all of our daily experiences
A meditation on creation and creativity expressed in the mandala of primordial wisdom
Discovering that the deepest practice can be done in all of the ordinary moments of our lives
Relating dependent origination to synchronicity
Contemplating the many ways we can create inner calm and stillness in an increasingly busy world