Art as a Contemplative Exploration of Reality – Recent Works from Visionary Laurie Anderson
A look into the life, visionary art, and Buddhist practice of one of the world’s most enigmatic and brilliant artists
A look into the life, visionary art, and Buddhist practice of one of the world’s most enigmatic and brilliant artists
The radical Buddhist vision of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar and his living legacy in the 21st century
Death with a lower-case “d”: the wisdom of impermanence
Contemplating the space between Buddhist activism and community building
Navigating an increasingly impersonal and consumeristic society with the wisdom of Buddhist practice and educational foresight
Experiencing the musical expression of the timeless, borderless, profound Buddhist message and teaching of ompassion
Taking the Middle Way in our approach to personal and social change
Practicing patience and perseverance with the hills and valleys of daily life
Exploring the deep and true meaning of the 20th vow in Amitabha Buddha’s schema of liberation and rebirth, according to Master Shandao
A meditation on the freedom possible in prison and the way our minds can imprison us even when we believe that we are free
Satya Robyn explores those moments of compassion and wisdom that can arise spontaneously in our relationships with others
Searching for a middle way in the Dharmic path for modern Westerners