One Face of Liberation: Buddhist Feminism in Japan
The Zen-inspired activism of Hiratsuka Raichō
The Zen-inspired activism of Hiratsuka Raichō
The 13 disadvantages of miscellaneous practices in…
Sexual misconduct and abuse by clergy is a widespread problem, as news reports and newspaper headlines all-too-often remind us, and American Buddhist sanghas are just
Venerable Nyanaponika in The Five Mental Hindrances and Their Conquest, begins: “Unshakable deliverance of the mind is the highest goal in the Buddha’s doctrine. Here, deliverance
Giuseppe Tucci (1894–1984) was an Italian scholar-adventurer who supervised archeological digs in Iran, Persepolis, and the Himalayas.
“The whole path of mindfulness is this: Whatever you are doing, be aware of it.”
Three Buddhist scholars examine the latest poll of…
According to the major sutras of Pure Land Buddhism, the Larger Sukhavativyuha and the Smaller Sukhavativyuha, Amitabha Buddha’s Pure Land (Skt. Sukhavati) lies beyond 10 billion Buddha-lands west
Why the primary practice surpasses the secondary…
People believe that everything they see and conceive of, including their so-called bodily selves, is fixed and permanently there to be used for fulfillment and
The call for ethical artificial intelligence is more relevant now than ever as the challenges associated with autonomous systems development, implementation, and deployment are becoming more
When it comes to drawing inspiration from the Buddhist teachings for management practices, one monastic scholar half-jokingly argued that every entrepreneur should learn from the