Master Shandao’s Exegesis on the Mind of Merit-dedication and Rebirth-aspiration: The Right Mindset to Doubt and Confusion
Why Pure Land Buddhism should not be interpreted…
Why Pure Land Buddhism should not be interpreted…
Within the last few decades, mindfulness has become a trend that is sweeping the world. Today, people from different walks of life and various institutions are
Walking the Dharma in in modern America
Exploring creativity and the teachings as a Serti silk…
A glimpse into the Buddhist art market through a collector’s…
Exploring the myth and lore of the majestic and mystic…
Understanding the root of suffering
Using right speech in information technology to…
What Merit-Dedication and Merit-Aspiration mean
This three-part series examines tantric deities in the yab-yum posture of symbolic sexual congress.
Liaofan’s Four Lessons on how to create your own destiny
Many Buddhists spend at least part of their time practicing in a retreat setting, cultivating the qualities so needed to survive and thrive in today’s