Theravada Teachings
Prof. David Dale Holmes taught English and World Literature and Creative Writing at the University of Maryland, Munich Campus, European Division, from 1966–92, after which he moved to Asia to lecture at Thailand’s Chulalongkorn University, and later at the World Buddhist University in Bangkok. From 1986–92, he traveled yearly between Munich, Germany, and Kandy, Sri Lanka, to study under Ven. Nyanaponika and Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi. Here he became familiar with the body of literature disseminated by the Buddhist Publication Society, and later assisted in editing the BPS Wheel Series to make it available online for free download.
Theravada Teachings is published monthly.
Some Observations on the Subject of Meditation
Morality and mindfulness on the path
Chanting in Concord
Fivefold doctrines for emancipation
The Consequences of Moral and Immoral Actions
We are the owners and heirs of our kamma
A Reminiscence About My Theravada Teachers
An homage to two beloved teachers
Nine Qualities of the Buddha
Understanding Pali chants
Concerning Intoxicants
On the kammic consequences of indulgence
The Ten Powers of the Tathāgata
Insight into the supreme powers of the Tathāgata
Arahants With Taints Destroyed
Unraveling the knotted network of false views
A Bhikkhu Ardent and Discreet
Untangling the tangle
This Generation Is All in a Tangle
Liberation from tangles, both inner and outer
Different Kinds of Happiness
On happiness and the cessation of suffering