Up and Down the Spiritual Ladder
A tantric perspective on the process of creation and dissolution
Asa Hershoff has practiced mindbody medicine and Vajrayana concurrently for 40 years. Completing the traditional three-year retreat under the auspices of Kalu Rinpoche, he was later ordained as a lay lama in Arunachal Pradesh. A pioneer in the Canadian holistic health movement, he is founder of the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (1978) and author of three books published by Penguin-Random House. Asa has developed Elemental Psychology as an integration of Vajrayāna, humanistic psychology, bioenergy medicine, and a panglobal perspective on the five elements. This transformative methodology of self-healing, therapy and spiritual growth is represented in his current book projects, You: True & False and The Five Ways of Wisdom due out later this year. See also: www.the5wisdoms.com www.5eeh.com.
The Five Wisdoms is published bi-monthly.
A tantric perspective on the process of creation and dissolution
A tantric perspective on the five elements and five chakras
Transformation and purification: scenarios of suffering within the eight worldly conditions
Facing the formidable demons of our time.
Knowledge and essence in the Vajrayana tradition
The spiritual journey to liberation
Energy and activity in tantric practice
The work of inner healing and emotional well-being