The aim of Pure Land teaching is rebirth in Amitabha Buddha’s Land of Bliss, and the method to attain rebirth is recitation of Amitabha’s Name, as said by Shakyamuni Buddha. Is it the teaching of Shakyamuni or Amitabha, or both? What are the similarities and differences between the two teachings in Pure Land Buddhism? Lots of doubts and confusion? Better clarify it because it involves the Buddha’s original intent of appearing in the world to deliver us for attaining perfect Enlightenment and ultimate liberation.
Master Shandao’s Exegesis on the Mind of Merit-dedication and Rebirth-aspiration: The Fairness of All Buddhist Teachings
How to respond to those who attack the Pure Land doctrine
Master Shandao’s Exegesis on the Mind of Merit-dedication and Rebirth-aspiration: The Right Mindset to Doubt and Confusion
Why Pure Land Buddhism should not be interpreted…
Master Shandao’s Exegesis on the Mind of Merit-Dedication and Rebirth-Aspiration: Some Definitions
What Merit-Dedication and Merit-Aspiration mean
Master Shandao’s Exegesis on the Deep Mind: Gain and Loss in the Two Kinds of Practices
The 13 disadvantages of miscellaneous practices in…
Master Shandao’s Exegesis on the Deep Mind—Advantages and Disadvantages of the Two Kinds of Practices
Why the primary practice surpasses the secondary…
Master Shandao’s Exegesis on the Deep Mind: Faith Established in Context of Practice, Part Two
The Principal Karma of Assured Rebirth in Primary Practice If we believe that deep faith and earnest aspiration are pre-requisites that we must establish through our
Master Shandao’s Exegesis on the Deep Mind: Faith Established in the Context of Practice, Part One
Primary practices and miscellaneous practices To establish faith in “context of person,” a Pure Land practitioner needs not ask or seek advice from anybody about
Master Shandao’s Exegesis on the Deep Mind—The Four Scenarios of Doubt IV
In his exegesis on the Deep Mind (the second of the Three States of Mind) in the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra, Master Shandao explains:
Master Shandao’s Exegesis on the Deep Mind–The Four Scenarios of Doubt: The Claims of So-called “Buddhas”
Answering the challenges of even enlightened beings
Master Shandao’s Exegesis on the Deep Mind—The Four Scenarios of Doubt: The Claims of So-called “Sages”
In his great wisdom, Master Shandao presented us with four scenarios of doubt that may impair or even destroy a Pure Land practitioner’s faith when
Master Shandao’s Exegesis on the Deep Mind—The Four Scenarios of Doubt: Part I
An effective yardstick for measuring faith The spiritual capacities, virtuous roots, and aptitudes of sentient beings vary greatly. No one is identical in his or