The Land of Bliss: Amitabha’s to Build, Ours to Enjoy
How Amitabha made the Pure Land for us
The aim of Pure Land teaching is rebirth in Amitabha Buddha’s Land of Bliss, and the method to attain rebirth is recitation of Amitabha’s Name, as said by Shakyamuni Buddha. Is it the teaching of Shakyamuni or Amitabha, or both? What are the similarities and differences between the two teachings in Pure Land Buddhism? Lots of doubts and confusion? Better clarify it because it involves the Buddha’s original intent of appearing in the world to deliver us for attaining perfect Enlightenment and ultimate liberation.
How Amitabha made the Pure Land for us
How do we enter the Pure Land?
The nature of rebirth in the Pure Land
The presence of diverse beings in the Pure Land
Why faith in rebirth in the Pure Land is drawn from the Name
Reliance on the Name determines rebirth
The causes that provide the doctrinal basis of the Pure..
Strictly following in the footsteps of the Pure Land…
Dynastic divergences in Pure Land Buddhism
How a fateful persecution decimated Pure Land…
Following a coherent, systematic, and complete…
The meaning of institutional transmission