Creativity and Contemplation explores the intersection of meditation and creative expression. Impulses for creativity originate deep in the soul, psyche, or what Buddhists call “mind.” The arts give voice, shape, feeling, or color to this human journey of living and dying, and are modes of integrating our experiences of reality. Visual art, sound work, spatial exploration, and even cooking, dreaming, and work can be forms of meditation in action if engaged in with awareness.
Sarah C. Beasley (Sera Kunzang Lhamo), Nautilus Gold award-winning author of Kindness for all Creatures: Buddhist Advice for Compassionate Animal Care (Shambhala 2019), has been a Nyingma practitioner since 2000. Sarah is a Certified Teacher, and an experienced writer and artist, with an MA in Educational Leadership and a BA in Studio Art. Sarah spent six years in traditional retreat under the guidance of Lama Tharchin Rinpoche and Thinley Norbu Rinpoche. With a lifelong passion for wilderness, she has summited Mt. Kenya and Mt. Baker, among other peaks. Her book and other works can be seen at www.sarahcbeasley.com.

The Inner Work of Unraveling Bias – How Meditation Can Help
Cultivating compassion and a commitment to a better world

For Our Children’s Sake: Dismantling Racism and Bias in Schools
Compassion in action where it might make the most…

Toward Liberation: Dismantling Racism and Bias in the Sangha
Love and justice as a daily practice

Love in the Time of Coronavirus, Part Three: Offering
Our commitment to the Dharma for all sentient beings

Love in the Time of Coronavirus, Part Two: Bodhicitta
The growing global need for compassion

Love in the Time of Coronavirus, Part One: Refuge
Allowing ourselves to take refuge in times of our..

Leonard DeLonga – Artist, Teacher, Bodhisattva
A tribute to a compassionate role model, mentor, and…

Precious Water, Precious Life – Speaking Up for the Natural World
Taking a stand for the future of our planet

Ten Simple Ways to Cultivate Joy and Health this Decade
Practical wisdom for these times

Engaging the Six Paramitas to Care for Animals, Part Two: Diligence, Concentration, and Wisdom
Practical wisdom for animal welfare

Engaging the Six Paramitas to Care for Animals, Part One: Generosity, Discipline, and Patience
Compassion for all life