Ratnadevi is a mindfulness teacher, trainer and retreat leader based in Scotland. She is the author of <i><a href=”https://playspacepublications.com/bringing-mindfulness-to-life/”>Bringing Mindfulness to Life</a></i>. As a qualified coach she offers a range of one-to-one services, including online mindfulness teaching, mentoring and supervising. She is a member of the Triratna Buddhist Order and wrote an arts-based PhD thesis looking at the place of ritual for Buddhists practicing in the modern world.
Bringing Mindfulness to Life is published monthly.
Cleaning the Fridge: Getting Off Autopilot
Bringing mindfulness into everyday life
Relearning Our Being in the World: Touching Deep Time
A meditation on our interconnection with the Earth
What Helps Us through This? A Collaborative Enquiry
How are we learning to survive and flourish in the pandemic?
Anchored in Strength and Compassion: Stories that Transform
Treasuring and retelling the stories that inspire us
The Problem of Plastic and Being Complicit
Living sustainably with a compassionate heart in this…
Beyond Ideas of Wrongdoing and Rightdoing: Incidents on a Building Site
Living beyond language and ideas of one another
Exercising the Moral Imagination: A Letter from 30 Years Hence
A vision of sustainable change
Promise to Make the Most of Your Life
On purpose, fulfillment, and a life well-lived
How does it serve others?
Taking care of others as a central theme in self-care in..