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Picture of Lyudmila Klasanova

Lyudmila Klasanova

Lyudmila Klasanova is Buddhistdoor Global’s East Europe Correspondent, writing contemporary and historical Buddhism in Eastern Europe, Russia, and Mongolia. She completed her PhD in Indian and Tibetan Culture at Sofia University, Bulgaria, where she teaches Buddhist art, women in Buddhism, Tibetan culture, and religions of East Asia. She also worked as a curator and researcher of Buddhist and Asian art at Sofia’s National Art Gallery. She is an author of the book Female Figures in Buddhism of India and Tibet, published in Bulgaria, and of numerous academic publications. Lyudmila is an internationally acclaimed yoga teacher, specialized in different styles.

New Buddhist Monastery Consecrated in Tuva

A ceremony of consecration for the Buddhist monastery Tubten Shedrub Ling was held in Kyzyl, the the capital of the Republic of Tuva, on 28 April. The 12-floor monastery, intended to serve as Tuva’s principal Buddhist temple, stands 56 meters high. 

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