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Online Dharma: Jungto Society Opens Registration for Spring Intake of Jungto Dharma School with Ven. Pomnyun Sunim

Venerable Pomnyun Sunim. Image courtesy of Jungto Society

Jungto Society, the international Buddhist community founded by the revered Korean Dharma master and social activist Venerable Pomnyun Sunim (법륜스님), has announced that its popular online Buddhist study and practice course, Jungto Dharma School, will return in March, with online registration now open to new students.

Ven. Pomnyun Sunim, the guiding Dharma teacher of Jungto Society, first opened Jungto Dharma School some 31 years ago in Korea as way to share the original teachings of the Buddha with lay practitioners. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Jungto Society created an online English-language syllabus—Jungto Dharma School: Introduction to Buddhism I—which is available to students of Buddhism all over the world.

“Under the guidance of Ven. Pomnyun Sunim, you will learn how the mind works and experience changes in your perspective on life,” Jungto Society shared with BDG. “As a student of Jungto Dharma School, you will not only study Buddhist doctrines (the Buddha’s core teachings) but also gain practical wisdom to help you resolve various problems in your life. Additionally, you will practice applying the teachings to your daily life.”

Image courtesy of Jungto Society

Jungto Dharma School’s self-paced 20-week program includes all course materials and online tools, weekly online meetings with group members and facilitators, and live Dharma talks with Ven. Pomnyun Sunim. The course content encompasses foundation modules on understanding the Buddha’s core teachings, and approaching key philosophical concepts, such as the Four Noble Truths, the Noble Eightfold Path, causality, dependent origination, and enlightenment, and how these concepts and practices can be applied to everyday life.

The spring course is scheduled to begin on 12 March.

“Throughout its 32-year history, Jungto Dharma School has helped countless people transform their lives.,” Jungto Society said. “This 20-week program will help participants learn how to live freer and happier lives in accordance with Buddhist teachings.”

Click here for full details and to register

Image courtesy of Jungto Society

Past students of Jungto Dharma School shared their impressions of their learning experience and how their lives and personal practices have benefited:

Before taking this course, I started studying Buddhist philosophy on my own to help my career as a therapist and also to help me with my own anxiety about things like death and success. This course taught me how much more effective it is to actually practice Buddhist principles consistently with a group of other curious and dedicated individuals compared to just reading. I learned that even without understanding Buddhist philosophy very well, you can calm your anxiety a lot with these timeless practices. — Gordon

Through the Jungto Buddhism Dharma course, I learned about concepts like the middle way, interdependence, karma, and enlightenment. I’ve heard these words used before and I may have used them without fully understanding what they mean. Being in this class helped me have an understanding of what they mean because Sunim explains complex terms in a simple, straightforward style for everyone to understand. The volunteers were inspirational in their dedication and devotion to being available to us and helping along the way. My classmates and their sharing influenced me to understand other perspectives. — Ruha

Image courtesy of Jungto Society

“The Buddhist teachings must be practiced, not just learned,” said Ven. Pomnyun Sunim “The main purpose of Jungto Dharma School is to understand how negative feelings and states of mind are manifested in our daily life, and then to experience how these negative psychological states can be transformed into positive ones. The most important thing is that you should experience and practice this path for yourself.”

Ven. Pomnyun Sunim is a widely revered Korean Dharma teacher, author, and social activist. He has founded numerous organizations, initiatives, and projects across the world, among them: JTS Korea, an international humanitarian relief organization working to eradicate poverty and hunger; Jungto Society, a volunteer-based community founded on the Buddha’s teachings and dedicated to addressing modern social issues that lead to suffering; Ecobuddha, an organization focused on environmental ethics and sustainable living based on the teachings of the Buddha; and Good Friends, which promotes reconciliation and cooperation between the North and South Korea, and provides humanitarian aid to North Koreans. Ven. Pomnyun Sunim also works closely with the International Network of Engaged Buddhists (INEB).

In October 2020, the Niwano Peace Foundation in Japan presented the 37th Niwano Peace Prize to Ven. Pomnyun Sunim in recognition of his international humanitarian work, intensive environmental and social activism, and his tireless efforts to build trust and goodwill between communities of different faiths and cultures, toward the goal of world peace.*

Buddhist Monk Ven. Pomnyun Sunim Awarded the 37th Niwano Peace Prize (BDG)

See more

Jungto Society
Jungto Dharma School
International Network of Engaged Buddhists (INEB)

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7 months ago

oh! very useful!
Thank you!!

7 months ago

This class changed my life. One does not have to sacrifice themselves for another’s happiness.

7 months ago

You can have an amazing experience of being lighthearted and freeing your life.

Jin Kim
Jin Kim
7 months ago

This programme is mindful programme and helps me reflect myself and gives me a peaceful mind.

HR Hwang
HR Hwang
7 months ago

Thank you so much for your wise talks and devotion to the world peace.

7 months ago

Hope you to be happy and be free as I experienced through the Jungto Dharma School. 🙂

7 months ago

Jungto Dharma School is the best school I ever attended!!
Strongly recommend it!

7 months ago

I learned peace of mind through this school.
It is a school that teaches what you really need to learn.
Sure Better than Harbard univ.

Angela O`Donnell
Angela O`Donnell
7 months ago

Through Jungto Dharma School`s practice exercise, I learned ways to reconcile with my family.

Ji K
Ji K
7 months ago

Highly recommended! Buddhist teachings unpacked and made applicable in daily life. The teacher and his teaching style is quite down to earth.

7 months ago

Very practical. It can be applied to daily life.

7 months ago

I took the Jungto Dharma School a couple of years ago. This online course provided a great deal of wisdom and toolkit to practice a sustainable way to live happily and freely.

7 months ago

It was easy to understand and was very fucused in practical Buddhism.

Aimee L
Aimee L
7 months ago

I introduced it to an acquaintance of a college student, and he said it helped to heal and change the hard feelings of school life. I recommend it to everyone.

7 months ago

This course has been a great help to me during challenging times in my life. It’s an excellent course for applying the teachings of Buddha in everyday life.

7 months ago
It teaches you how to feel lighter
J Kang
J Kang
7 months ago

I took this course years ago when it was offered in Korean. It helped me a lot in my difficult time. I would recommend it to anyone.

7 months ago

Thank you for this useful article about Jungto and Ven.Pomnyn. I’ve watched his youtube video for years.

gi s min
gi s min
7 months ago

interesting and want to know about in detail

7 months ago

I took this course a year ago when my chronic depression and anxiety reached it’s peak. It changed my life. I held less resentment towards external influences. I learned how to find peace and happiness from within. This was the best therapy I had.

Happy Practitioner
Happy Practitioner
7 months ago

Great course for everyone! This is an essential course for our happy life. Through the Dharma School I’ve became positive and light. I would like to spread my happiness with more people who are suffering.

7 months ago

I am someone who has experienced Jungto Dharma School. My life has become much lighter

Last edited 7 months ago by ILSOOK HA
Erin oh
Erin oh
7 months ago

I learned about happiness through Jungto Dharma School. It’s such a good program.

JungHa An
JungHa An
7 months ago

I had a chance to take online Buddhism classes from the Jungto Society during COVID-19 pandemic period. I was able to reflect on myself and my life so far and see roots of sufferings and pains. Thanks to the teaching of Venerable Pomnyun Sunim and the Junto Society, now I am much happier with less suffering and have clearer and better life directions that: I am/want to be helpful, not only to myself but also to others. I am proud of being a piece of this Mosaic Buddha! Do you want to be happier and freer? I highly recommed this Jungto Dharma School with Ven. Pomnyun Sunim!

7 months ago

Thanks a lot for the information.

Alexis Y.
Alexis Y.
7 months ago

The perspective I learned here, I apply it daily to my family and at work – and it allows me to stay calm and make better decisions.

7 months ago

Buddhist teaching is not to be learned but to be practiced. Thank you Ven. Pomnyun Sunim!

Woosun Hwang
Woosun Hwang
7 months ago

It’s really nice article. Thanks for sharing this.

HR Hwang
HR Hwang
7 months ago

Jungto Dharma School was a turning point in my life. I highly recommend to all of you are interest.

7 months ago

I hope more people benefit from the Jungto Dharma course. It’s easy to understand, engaging, and has a supportive community. Studying and practicing Buddhism has been the best thing I’ve done for myself.

SungAe Suhr
SungAe Suhr
7 months ago

I am enjoying very much to meet all my student in the Jungto Dharma School to share their happiness.

7 months ago

Thank you for the information. I will consider signing up.  

Jung M
Jung M
7 months ago

The course helped me observe myself, others, and the world.

7 months ago

I strong recommand this program.

Kay N
Kay N
7 months ago

I wanted to study authentic Buddhist teachings and wisdom of Buddhism. After I took the Jungto Dhalma School, I could manage and reduce my level of stress, anxiety and depression.

7 months ago

I’m really grateful that I was able to take part in this course, it has been very helpful and a great starting point to practice.

7 months ago

You can experience a lighter life

Mi Kwon
Mi Kwon
7 months ago

Jungto Dharma school is a good way to start to study Buddhism.

7 months ago

I loved taking this course. So impressed with the teachings and exercises, and all run by volunteers too. Pure hearted and very much about being happy and helping others too.

soonmi kim
soonmi kim
7 months ago

Thanks for sharing.

Jin K
Jin K
7 months ago

I highly recommend this program to anyone who wants to find a path to sustainable happiness and freedom.

7 months ago

Great course! Highly recommended and easy to do.

7 months ago

This experience has transformed my outlook on life. I now approach life with a more positive and joyful mindset. My attention is increasingly centered on the present moment, allowing me to be more focused and mindful.

Joanne Jeon
Joanne Jeon
7 months ago

This course has been excellent in teaching me how to live a freer and happier life.

7 months ago

Through Dharma School, I was able to gain great enlightenment and joy in my life. And I am living with a completely different mindset than before experiencing Dharma School. I feel a deep gratitude for life.

7 months ago

Thanks Sunim and JTS. I’m very lucky to know Dharma. I’m 40 and happier than ever. I can feel the life is so beautiful and grateful. I’m sharing this moments with family and friends. Sometimes I can’t but I’m getting better to enjoy my life. I have lots of things to appreciate.

7 months ago

I didn’t expect much initially, but I enjoyed the class tremendously because it addresses my everyday concerns and helps with my anxiety. It made me a happier person!

7 months ago

This is a great class to learn about Buddhism as a practice and meet others who are all working towards sustainable happiness.

7 months ago

I took both Jungto Dharma school courses. The English course was pretty simple to follow and very useful! Grateful that this was featured on this website.

Last edited 7 months ago by Richard
7 months ago

I can’t recommend this course highly enough for anyone wanting to relieve their suffering and find practical ways to attain a peaceful state within and interacting with others!!!